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Asia Pacific Resources

Company Profile
Asia Pacific Resources Is An India Based Organization Engaged In The Manufacture And Export Of Handmade Paper And Handmade Paper Products. The Company Has Been Successfully Catering To The Requirement Of Clients Since 1993. It Has Also Upgraded Its Products And Services With Time, Which Has Made It A Preferred Organization Among The Buyers.
Relevant Categories : Gifts, Handicrafts, Beauty Care, Home And Office Products , Hand Made Paper And Products
Product Profile :Bags - Plastics / Paper Photo Albums / Frames Paper Products Gift Articles Handmade Paper Packaging Materials
Address :a/212, synthofine ind. estate, off. aarey road, goregaon (e),, MUMBAI 400063
Telephone :022-28771056
Fax :022-28771059
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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asia pacific resources - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of gifts, handicrafts, beauty care, home and office products
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