jay kay sales corporation - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter fasteners,: machine screw, hex bolt, plain washer, spring washer, fibre washer, hex nut, spacer in brass / nylone/ pvc materials, electronics components, sheet metal screw, wood screw, circlips, fabrication of industrial parts as per drawing. fasteners
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Home >> Suppliers >> Jay Kay Sales Corporation :

Jay Kay Sales Corporation

Company Profile
Product Profile :Fasteners,: Machine Screw, Hex Bolt, Plain Washer, Spring Washer, Fibre Washer, Hex Nut, Spacer In Brass / Nylone/ Pvc Materials, Electronics Components, Sheet Metal Screw, Wood Screw, Circlips, Fabrication Of Industrial Parts As Per Drawing. Fasteners
Address :c/17, shalimar complex, mahalaxmi five road, paldi, , AHMEDABAD 380007
Telephone :
Fax :917926606974
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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jay kay sales corporation - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter fasteners,: machine screw, hex bolt, plain washer, spring washer, fibre washer, hex nut, spacer in brass / nylone/ pvc materials, electronics components, sheet metal screw, wood screw, circlips, fabrication of industrial parts as per drawing. fasteners
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