jainex aamcol ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter involute splines hobs, serration hobs, st.spline hobs, ratchet hobs, sprocket hobs, timer pulley hobs, worm gear hobs, shank type hobs, duplex hobs cutting tools, broaches & cutters
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Jainex Aamcol Ltd.

Company Profile
Product Profile : Involute Splines Hobs, Serration Hobs, St.spline Hobs, Ratchet Hobs, Sprocket Hobs, Timer Pulley Hobs, Worm Gear Hobs, Shank Type Hobs, Duplex Hobs Cutting Tools, Broaches & Cutters
Address :l-3, midc area, chikalthana,, AURANGABAD 431210
Telephone :
Fax :912402482208
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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jainex aamcol ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter involute splines hobs, serration hobs, st.spline hobs, ratchet hobs, sprocket hobs, timer pulley hobs, worm gear hobs, shank type hobs, duplex hobs cutting tools, broaches & cutters
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