target sales - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter all grades of shellac handmade / machine made, dewaxed bleached lac powder, dewaxed shellac flakes, lakh dana, shellac wax, lac dye, aleuritic acid. shellac & lac products
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Target Sales

Company Profile
Product Profile :All Grades Of Shellac Handmade / Machine Made, Dewaxed Bleached Lac Powder, Dewaxed Shellac Flakes, Lakh Dana, Shellac Wax, Lac Dye, Aleuritic Acid. Shellac & Lac Products
Address :333, narshi natha street, opp. union bank of india, 2nd floor, katha bazar, masjid (west), , MUMBAI 400009
Telephone :
Fax :912223452096
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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target sales - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter all grades of shellac handmade / machine made, dewaxed bleached lac powder, dewaxed shellac flakes, lakh dana, shellac wax, lac dye, aleuritic acid. shellac & lac products
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