shital chemical - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter dyes & dyes intermediate, reactive dyes & ramzol dyes, finishing, santactive dyes (cyanuric chloride base), santazol dyes (vinyl sulphone base), santactive dyes ("he" & "me" series [bi-functional] ), snowmol sfd (special powder) dyes & dyes intermediat
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Home >> Suppliers >> Shital Chemical :

Shital Chemical

Company Profile
Product Profile :Dyes & Dyes Intermediate, Reactive Dyes & Ramzol Dyes, Finishing, Santactive Dyes (cyanuric Chloride Base), Santazol Dyes (vinyl Sulphone Base), Santactive Dyes ("he" & "me" Series [bi-functional] ), Snowmol Sfd (special Powder) Dyes & Dyes Intermediat
Address :2nd floor, everest building, near rly. goods yards,, SURAT 395003
Telephone :
Fax :912612438789
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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shital chemical - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter dyes & dyes intermediate, reactive dyes & ramzol dyes, finishing, santactive dyes (cyanuric chloride base), santazol dyes (vinyl sulphone base), santactive dyes ("he" & "me" series [bi-functional] ), snowmol sfd (special powder) dyes & dyes intermediat
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