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Home >> Suppliers >> Hangzhou Ray Concrete Admixture Inc. :

Hangzhou Ray Concrete Admixture Inc.

Company Profile
Specialized In R & D And Application Of Concrete Technologies And Is The Leader In The Industry Of Concrete Admixture In China.
Relevant Categories : Foreign Manufacturers And Exporters
Product Profile :Naphthalene-based Highly Effective Water Reducer,high-performance Water-reducing Agent Of Amino Sulphonate,poly-carboxylate Superplasticizer,pumping Aid For Concrete,air-entraining Admixture,concrete Accelerator,impermeability Water-repellent Admixture.
Address :rm906 building 1 lvdu bairui square,xetz,xiaoshan,, Hangzhou 311215
Telephone :86-571-82893970--
Fax :86-571-82893971
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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hangzhou ray concrete admixture inc. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of foreign manufacturers and exporters
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