ipa pvt. ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of acceleration sensors, accelero meters
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Ipa Pvt. Ltd.

Company Profile
Manufacturers Of Different Types Of Weighing And Automation Instruments Such As Sensors That Include Strain Gauges, Load Cells, Pressure Transducer, Accelerometer And Many Others While Measurement & Control Elements Include Signal Conditioners, Indicators & Controllers, Etc And System Integration Covers Weigh Feeder, Crane Scale, Batching Systems, Bag Check Weigher, Crane Conversion, Vibration Monitoring System And Many Other Products.
Relevant Categories : Acceleration Sensors, Accelero Meters , Controls And Indicators, Weight And Weighing , Industrial Instruments Or Automation , Instrumentation And Control Products , Scales, Batching , Scales, Load Cell , Signal Conditioners
Product Profile :Weighing And Automation Instruments Such As Sensors That Include Strain Gauges, Load Cells, Pressure Transducer, Accelerometer And Many Others While Measurement & Control Elements Include Signal Conditioners, Indicators & Controllers, Etc And System Integration Covers Weigh Feeder, Crane Scale, Batching Systems, Bag Check Weigher, Crane Conversion, Vibration Monitoring System And Many Other Products.
Address :b-14, surya kiran, 105, model town, four bungalows, andheri ( w ), MUMBAI 400 053
Telephone :91-022-2631 1192
Fax :91-022-2632 7389
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ipa pvt. ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of acceleration sensors, accelero meters
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