adhik chemicals pvt. ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of acid dyes
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Home >> Suppliers >> Adhik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. :

Adhik Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.

Company Profile
Manufacturers & Exporters Of Dyes & Dye Intermediates.
Relevant Categories : Acid Dyes , Cupronickel , Dyes And Dye Intermediates , Vet Dye
Product Profile :Pigment Dyes, Solvent Dyes, Vat Dyes, Basic Dyes, Dye Intermediats And Other Dye Stuff. 1:2 Metal Complex Acid/ Solvent Dyes
Address :207, new cloth market, o/s raipur gate, Ahmedabad 380 002
Telephone :91-79-2213 294991-79-2216 5046
Fax :91-79-2216 7324
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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adhik chemicals pvt. ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of acid dyes
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