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Jain Exports

Company Profile
Are One Of The Leading Companies In Old And Reproduction Wooden Items And Supply A Very Wide Range Of Selection For Every Handicraft Items Like Doors With Frame, Cabinets, Furniture, Tables, Benches And Lots Of Other Items.
Relevant Categories : Antique Reproductions , Decorative Objects , Furniture, Colonial , Furniture, Decorative , Garden Accessories , Garden Furniture , Reproduction Fine Arts , Wood Carvings , Wood Crafts
Product Profile :Antique Reproductions, Decorative Objects, Furniture-colonial, Furniture-decorative, Furniture-wooden, Garden Furniture, Reproduction Fine Arts, Wood Carvings, Woodcrafts And Many More Items.
Address :16, 1st floor, aalishan complex, danilimda corner,, AHMEDABAD 380 028
Telephone :91-079-2532 057691-079-2535 1139 / 3630
Fax :91-079 -2532 0577
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jain exports - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of antique reproductions
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