elmex controls pvt. ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of calibrators
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Elmex Controls Pvt. Ltd.

Company Profile
Relevant Categories : Connecting Accessories, Connector , Connectors, High Density, High Or Low Current , Voltage , Connectors, Printed Circuit Board , Connectors, Thermocouple , Diamonds Drills , Industrial Instruments Or Automation , Limit Switch , Panels, Control, Switchgear , Pins, Terminal And Connector , Quickconnect Terminals , Rotary Switches , Safety Switches , Switch And Parts For Switch , Switches, Disconnect , Switches, Miniature , Switches, Panel , Switches, Snap Action , Switchgears , Terminal, Termination Kit, Wiring Duct
Address :12, gidc estate, makarpura road,, VADODARA 390010
Telephone :0265-26420210265-2642023
Fax :0265-2638646
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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elmex controls pvt. ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of calibrators
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