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Sangarmaal Creation

Company Profile
Sangarmaal Creations, The Fine Quality Arts And Crafts Store Stayed In New Delhi. Kashmir Is The Heaven On Earth And Also The Heaven Of Pure Arts. Kashmiri Crafts Are Reputed The World Over As One Of The Finest Piece Of Art.
Relevant Categories : Handicrafts
Product Profile :Kashmiri Carpets, Pashmina Shawls Of Kashmir, Kashmiri Jewellery, Kashmiri Arts And Crafts, Papier Machie Products Kashmir, Chain Stitch Rugs Kashmir, Kashmiri Embroidery Shawls.
Address :803- jaina tower-i, district center, jankpuri, NEW DELHI 110058
Telephone :91-011-981145773551589011
Fax :91-011-23323906
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