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Chiral Chemicals

Company Profile
Chiral Chemicals Is Focused In The Business Of Specialty Fine Chemicals And Nutraceuticals. Its Objective To Consolidate The Rich Intellectual Heritage In Chemistry And Natural Resources.
Relevant Categories : Agricultural Products , Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals And Medical Equipment
Product Profile :Chiral Compounds, Boron Chemicals, Phase Transfer Catalyst, Crown Ethers, Indole Derivatives, Pyridine & Primidine Compounds, Acetophenone & Propiophenone Compounds, Benzene Compounds, Thiophene Compounds.
Address :405 a sona chambers, jss road, chira bazaar., MUMBAI 400002
Telephone :91-022-2208026422080247
Fax :91-022-22005378
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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chiral chemicals - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of agricultural products
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