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Home >> Suppliers >> India Crafts :

India Crafts

Company Profile
Manufacturer And Supplier Of Innovative Articles Of Metals Such As Traditional Lamps, Animal Figures, Telescopes, Nataraja, Buddha, Jewellery Boxes And Many Other Products..
Relevant Categories : Brassware , Figurines , Handicrafts , Idols , Jewellery Boxes , Lamps
Product Profile :Idol, Traditional Lamps, Treasure Chests, Figurines, Jewellery Boxes, Panels, Designed Articles Of Brass Metal, Telescope And Many Other Products.
Address :no. 50, basement, dheeraj heritage, s. v. road, (at milan subway junction), santa cruz ( west ), , Mumbai 400 054
Telephone :91-22-3295825291-22-67104565
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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india crafts - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of brassware
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