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Fairmate Chemicals Pvt Ltd

Company Profile
Fairmate Has Progressed In Four Folds To Provide Much Better Supports And Quality In All Aspect Is The Main Agenda Of Fairmate. Fairmate Has Completed On Successful Quality Circle Of Iso 9002 & Iso (ems) 14001 And Once Again Certified By M/s. Kpmg
Relevant Categories : Construction Chemicals , Floor Sealant , Industrial & Chemical Process Equipment , Metal, Plastic, Rubber Industrial Flooring , Water Proof Coatings
Product Profile :Chemical Construction
Address :8/1 sai sudha arunoday soc alkapuri , VADODARA 390007
Telephone :2331193/23308032331398
Fax :2338733
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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fairmate chemicals pvt ltd - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of construction chemicals
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