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S.v. Mestry Engineering Works

Company Profile
We Are Leading Manufacturers Of All Types Of Wrapping Machines For Biscuits, Toilet Soaps, Toasts Etc.
Relevant Categories : Machines And Tools
Product Profile :1. Model : Svm/w/fa/30 2. Model : Svm/w/s/90 3. Model : Svm/w/h/60 4. Model : Svm/w/100
Address :28, blue rose industrial estate, opp. magathane bus depot, western express highway, borivali - west,, MUMBAI 400066
Telephone :91-022-2854524328546281
Fax :91-022-28546281
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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s.v. mestry engineering works - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of machines and tools
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