katwa silpa samabay samity ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of crocheted lace and embroidery items
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Home >> Suppliers >> Katwa Silpa Samabay Samity Ltd. :

Katwa Silpa Samabay Samity Ltd.

Company Profile
Fabrics Of Cotton, Silk, Fabric For Wovens (indian Dresses, Western Dresses, Girlswear) Scarves.
Relevant Categories : Crocheted Lace And Embroidery Items , Electrical Equipment And Parts , Industrial & Chemical Process Equipment , Machines And Tools
Product Profile :Handloom - Fabrics & Products, Textile Crafts
Address :ghoshhat, p o katwa,, BURDWAN 713130
Telephone :2553379333252915
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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katwa silpa samabay samity ltd. - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of crocheted lace and embroidery items
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