the west coast weaving establishment - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of conveying equipment
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Home >> Suppliers >> The West Coast Weaving Establishment :

The West Coast Weaving Establishment

Company Profile
Manufacturers And Exporters Of 100% Cottonhandloom/ Power Loom Fabrics In Running Length Suitable For Shirting, Dress Materials, Furnishing Fabrics, Printed Fabrics And Made Up Items.
Relevant Categories : Crocheted Lace And Embroidery Items , Textile And Garments
Address :post box no.2, chovva, ,, KANNUR 670006
Telephone :2726322727113
Fax :2726168/7
On-Line Trade Inquiry

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the west coast weaving establishment - manufacturers, suppliers, retailer, exporter of conveying equipment
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